Saturday, January 24, 2009

Vomiteb Tablet and Syrup

Vomiteb Tablet and Syrup

1) Nausea and vomiting during first trimester of Pregnancy (morning sickness)
2) Motion sickness and Travel sickness
3) Drug induced and Disease-induced nausea and vomiting
4) Recurrent Bouts of vomiting in children due to unknown origin.

Tablet : Adult: Two tablets three to four times a day
Children: One tablet two to three times a day as often as required.
1) Effective, Safe and Gentle.
2) No drowsiness especially useful in children.
3) No extra pyramidal symptoms
4) Safe during pregnancy and for children & infants.

1) Seek Medical advice immediately if the vomiting is very severe.
2) Drink sufficient water to avoid dehydration
3) Take Vomiteb before taking any food.

1) Avoid eating heavy food before starting the journey.
2) Avoid very spicy food.

Ayurveda for Natural Health

Ayurveda, a science of life, helps to manage the complications that the mother to-be faces during her pregnancy. It suggests the following :
a) Severe Vomiting – Drink a plenty of fluids and fruit juices. Mix Dhanyaka with rice water and sugar and take it. Also flour of parched barley mixed with decoction of sunthi and bilva is advised.
b) Anemia –.Have a diet rich in iron like dried beans, leafy green vegetables, iron fortified cereals, fruits etc. Enjoy a sun bath. Lauh Bhasma, Lohasava, Dhatri Lauh, Navayas Lauh are the Ayurvedic Supplements that are recommended.
c) Bladder infection – Drink coriander tea or corriander cumin fennel tea. Also one can take a blend of shatavari, guduchi, punarnava, and kamadudha two times daily.
d) Hyper Tension –. Include less salt in the diet. Meditation is found effective. Dhara therapy can be undergone. Herbs like Gotu Kola, Arjuna, Valerian, Ashwagandha, Skullcap, Cinnamon, Burdock, Jatamamsi, Manjishta, Shankapushpi, Hawthorn, Ginger, Nutmeg, Garlic are recommended.
e) Fevers – Lakhen karma is recommended. Take only rice gruel followed by cereals with soups. Dashamularisht for vatic fever, cold infusion of Glycerriza lotus and Sariva in paittic fever and Guduchi vasa quash for kapha fever are to be taken to bring down temperature.
f) Stress - Practicing meditation brings down the stress and brings about balances of all doshas leading to a relaxed state of being of mother and the child. Also a regular oil massage and herbal tea helps mother to be energized.
g) Diarrhea - Avoid taking improper diet, polluted water, fear, grief and psychological trauma etc. Kalyanakawaleha and hriberadi decoction are the best solution for this.
h) Acute pain in abdomen – Avoid lifting heavy weight, maintain correct posture, do exercises that will strengthen the back muscles etc.,
Pregnancy is a wonderful journey for every woman if it is taken in the right sense and Ayurveda helps her to get through this journey smoothly, by tackling the complications in its own natural way. But always consult a doctor before you start taking any medications.

Ayurveda - Traditional Indian Medicine

According to Ayurveda, a holistic medical science, acidity if left unattended may cause many digestive disorders like nausea, vomiting ulcers and constipation.
In Ayurveda all diseased states including acidity arise as a result of ama (toxins) and all ama is the result of an improperly functioning agni (digestive fire). In fact the key to a healthy agni is the intake of easily digested, fresh, lightly cooked, compatible foods eaten consciously at the appropriate time.
Ayurvedic treatment of herbal preparations like Indukantam qwath tablet, aptizoom syrup, indukantam ghrit, hinguvachadi tab, dadimashtaka churna, chitrakadi tablet, kalyana gulam, dasmoola haritaki leha, along with modified life style helps to fight acidity and digestive disorders by
a) Allowing extra pitta to move downward and pass out through bowels that is natural way to balance vitiated pitta : It stimulates digestive fire, softens the stools and cleanses waste products and makes digestive tract free from acid disorders.
b) Helping the stomach acid to activate digestive enzymes that break down food into small particles for absorption and brings back it to a normal levels to keep the digestive system free of bacteria and parasites.
c) Achieving the right balances in body metabolism : very hot or very cold food stuffs and beverages are not be taken as these extremes cause build-ups of acidity in the digestive system.
d) Taking internal Ayurvedic standardized Medicinal herbal extract which are free from adversities.
e) Helping in relieving heart burn by overcoming abdominal and epigastric discomfort by neutralizing acid secretion. It is an effective remedy for ulcers also.
f) By taking a combination of eight well tested ingredients, which have effective antiacid properties, it minimizes hyper excitability of vagus nerve and also relieves stress and anxiety, as it is believed that there are more nerve endings in the stomach than in the human brain - which makes the stomach a uniquely vulnerable organ when it comes to non-physical stress affecting the physical body.


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